On 19 August 2023 it was that time again! BELWARE GmbH advised pupils and students together with approximately 60 other exhibitors on internships, education and studies. So many sectors were represented! Whether the German Armed Forces, the police, retailers or large companies, they all presented their professions and companies in the best possible way.
We were also busy exchanging information about our professions (IT specialist for application development, office management assistant, e-commerce assistant)! Most often, the headline: "Career wish: something with computers!" attracted the attention of the students!
We are very happy to take advantage of this opportunity for communication. The contact is informal and the often young interested parties are sometimes still insecure and shy. In most cases, mum or dad was there to provide active support! This way, all open questions could be answered and experiences and useful tips could be gathered. To break the ice and create a relaxed atmosphere, the studens could prove their typing speed on 2 laptops or programme a small script with the TurtleCoder.
We were particulary frequently approached about internships. There are not many companies in the IT sector in Dorsten, so we always receive many enquiries, which we gladly accept as far as possible. We were particularly pleased that many of our former interns also visited our booth. Some of them were already with us on the career exploration day and would also like to complete the 3-week student internship with us, because it was so much fun at BELWARE! Here and there, pupils have also decided on a career in the IT sector as a result of their experiences in our company, and will study computer science.
All in all, the day was very succesful, and we are already looking forward to all the enquiries that we hope to receive soon!
#youth #youngtalent #training #education #belware #ursularealschuledorsten #ursulaschoolsdorsten #careerexplorationday #studyfair #information #internship #microsoft #youth