Leipzig greeted us with bright sunshine for the eve of the M&P Userday 2023 event, but for us it was down to Auerbachs Keller, one of Leipzig´s best-known and oldest pubs. There we were warmly welcomed by familiar and new faces alike.
The next day, 21 September 2023, the M&P Userday 2023 took place in the VIP area of the Red Bull Arena in Leipzig. A super playing field for networking and information exchange between exhibitors, customers and partners.

Directly after the opening by the organisers, the keynote speech following, in which guest speaker Guus Krabbenborg, with his Dutch humour, spoke about the relevance of the commitment of the managers in the digital transformation.
Afterwards, all visitors of the M&P Userday 2023 had the opportunity to inform themselves about the following speeches.
For example, in the management topic area, there was a presentation on data protection entiteld "Don´t laugh - it´s about data privacy!" Here, the challenges companies face with data privacy were addressed with humour. Laughs included. Another lecture entiteld "Recruiting concerns us all" gave an impression of how M&P as a company is actively searching for employees.
The stadium tour took place at half-time. During the panel discussion the experiences, successes and challenges of the digital transformation were discussed. The audience was actively involved by voting via smartphone. Some of the opinions differed widely.
The presentations by the operational staff continued. In our presentation "Automated document output", we went into the possibilities that our apps offer compared to the Dynamics 365 Business Central standard, or how well they complement the standard. Since some of the customers present were not yet familiar with Business Central or the latest version, we decided to give a spontaneous short demonstration in which we demonstrated the integration of the apps and their application live.
The numerous spectators and visitors at our booth revealed: the interest in Business Central as a cloud solution is growing, as is the interest in extending and refining the standard of Business Central through customised app.
We say: thank you to all visitors of our presentation and our booth. And would like to take this opportunity to praise the organisers: M&P Business Solutions and the co-organisers ACS Solutions and Synexus - it was a great event!