At this year´s KCFORUM 2023 of our long-standing partner Kisling Consulting, we were on site as a contact partner. Visitors were able to learn about various topics in presentations such as the following:
KCWEIN 365 - The booster to digitalise your processes
Digital success with wine - challenges in the online wine trade
KCWEIN 365: What´s New and What´s Coming
The time betwee the individual presentations was used to exchange ideas with other exhibitors and visitors. Many of the 75 visitors to KCFORUM 2023 also belong to our clientele. They exchanged information about our new and familiar solutions. Many of our customers also enquired about our newly adopted Easy Supra app, which makes supplier evaluation simple and individual.
Dear Kisling Consulting team, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you agan for the good cooperation and congratulate you on the successful KCFORUM 2023. We look forward to further cooperation with you :)
Thank you!