Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central
Your entire business in one place
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is THE ERP-Software for small and medium-sized companies. It combines all your business processes in one template. At the same time, it is absolutely location-independent and available on any device. And it gets even better! Is your company growing? No problem, Business Central grows flexibly with you.
Here you can get an overview of the functions of Business Central.
Adopt business models faster, flexible deployment, reliability and non-adaptability.
Work connected anytime, anywhere while benefiting from all features.
Ensure the success and profitability of your projects by planning and monitoring them in real time with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Connect people, processes and insights. Embedded guides, dashboards and collaboration with MS 365 and Teams enable better and faster decisions!
Customer Service
Improve your customer care by managing everything centrally and incorporating it into the service.
Close financials quickly, improve forecasts and track real-time reports & performance across all locations.
Track your purchase, production, inventory and warehouse so you can always be sure of delivery time.
Industry-specific apps expand your Business Central into a flexible, perfectly adapted companion in everyday business. You will also find such add-ons or apps from us in the area of communication, document management and interfaces.
Which licensing suits your company?
Is there nothing suitable for you and your requirements?
Or are you missing certain functions that simplify and optimise your workflow?
Arrange a consultation appointment with us and together we will find the best solution for you, your employees and your company!
Compare All-in-One licensing options
Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials
Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium
unlimited number of users
unlimited number of companies
customization and extensibility
multiple environments
financial management
sales and marketing
sales and delivery
purchasing account and liabilities
supply planning and availability
service management
warehouse management
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