“We are electrified” was the motto of SEC-COM 2023 on 25 August, this time in a new and cool location. Whereby new is relative here. New in sense of the location of this year´s fair. Because it took place in Umspannwerk Recklinghausen (engl. transformer station), Germany´s only electricity museum.
"Welcome to time travel electricity in the German Electricity Museum" - that´s the title of the Recklinghausen transformer station´s museum.
And indeed - a time travel journey!
On the one hand, there were all the exhibits from the old days that conveyed a historical ambience and, of course, took some people back to their childhood or youth memories.
On the other hand, the SEC-COM exhibitors, who presented between today´s modern and latest technology from the fields of communication, security, IT, cloud computing and service robots.
We like this charm, it was already special. The more than 100 fair visitors were also very taken with the location and of course not only with that, but also with the programme of this year´s SEC-COM. All topics and lectures were very well received.
What did we have in store for the visitors?
In the area of communication, the Connector 365 CTI for STARFACE, an seamless integration of STARFACE TC into Business Central.
In the area of business solutions, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central the ERP –System for small and medium-sized companies as an all-in-one solution.
Overall, there was also a great deal of interest in the topic of the cloud. The many advantages that the cloud brings with it simply cannot be dismissed and we are convinced that the cloud is the future.
On an event like this, you always meet many companies you already know, but also several new ones with whom you can develop new ideas and partnerships and thus expand your network.
At the end, the exhibitors were able to round off the evening at the Recklinghausen city harbour with an after-fair beach party. The perfect opportunity to shake out the legs and look back on the electrifying day together.
SEC-COM 2023 was a great success for us! We would like to thank SEC-COM ffor the excellent fair, the great communication, the super organisation and are already "excited" about next year!
Many thanks also for the nice impression video of the SEC-COM fair 2023. But see for yourself: